
Dr. Matt Daggett on Fox 4: Basketball Injuries

As an avid basketball fan and orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Daggett has a keen eye for what keeps players safe and what puts them at risk for injury. He breaks down the top bracket-busting injuries and what’s new in technology for Fox 4 News.

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Dr Matt Daggett knee exam

Common Basketball Injuries

There are many quick pivoting moments in basketball – jumping, running, cutting. With that, we see more acute injuries in basketball than we see in other sports, like baseball. Athletes today are stronger and more powerful, with more explosive force than ever before.

Dr. Matt Daggett is a Sports Medicine Orthopedic knee, shoulder, and sports medicine specialist. He typically sees ankle and knee injuries from basketball players. “Unlike some other sports, like baseball, where you are using something all the time, basketball is more of a traumatic injury of the lower extremity,” says Dr. Daggett. He points out that players are “bigger, faster, and stronger” than ever before. 

Here’s a full list of the most common basketball injuries:

  • Ankle Sprains: This occurs when the foot twists or turns beyond its normal range of motion, causing damage to the ligaments that support the ankle joint.
  • Knee Injuries: Basketball involves a lot of jumping, pivoting, and sudden stops, which makes the knee one of the most vulnerable areas. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, meniscus injuries, and patellar tendinitis are basketball’s most common knee injuries.
  • Jammed Fingers: When a basketball hits the tip of a finger, it may cause a jammed or sprained finger, where the ligaments are stretched or torn.
  • Wrist Injuries: The high-impact nature of basketball may cause wrist sprains, fractures, or tendonitis.
  • Concussions: Basketball players may experience concussions due to collisions with other players or falls to the ground.
  • Lower Back Pain: The repetitive pounding on the hardwood, as well as bending and twisting, can trigger lower back pain.
  • Achilles tendon injuries: The Achilles tendon may become strained, torn, or ruptured due to the jumping and bouncing motions required in basketball.

Various factors, including overuse, poor conditioning, inadequate warm-up, inappropriate footwear or technique, collisions with other players, and accidents, can cause these injuries.

Step 1: An Accurate Diagnosis

The first step to a quick recovery is an accurate diagnosis. It depends on the severity and type of injury, but an accurate early diagnosis can minimize an injury’s downtime. Athletes want to return to play, but we are not all Patrick Mahomes. If you return to sports too early, you can suffer a secondary injury.

New Technology

Dr. Daggett points out that needle arthroscopy is a newer technology that allows athletes to return to play faster. In addition, patients can recover more efficiently from injuries requiring surgery with a smaller needle and less need for narcotics.  

About Dr. Daggett

Dr. Matt Daggett is a sports medicine-trained orthopedic surgeon. He specializes in sports-related conditions and procedures, such as ACL and knee ligament injuries, rotator cuff and shoulder conditions. He is the team physician for Rockhurst Athletics. 

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